品牌名称:丝滑面膜 所属行业:日用品 服务内容:包装设计 每湉(每天)好心情年轻女孩的青春时代,在现代的生活中每天要开心每天要呵护肌肤,焕发青春传递年轻快乐的每天。 产品的创意取自不同女孩的可爱形象进行衍生设计,具有趣味记忆的形象赋予品牌年轻现代的视觉感。 Every tian should be happy every day in modern life. Take care of your skin every day. Glow with youth and pass the young and happy everyday. The creativity of the product is derived from the lovely images of different girls. The images with interesting memories give the brand a young and modern visual sense.